Friday 29 July 2005


You can learn a lot about a man simply by looking at the woman he is with. If his partner is a genuine woman who carries her dignity with as much ease as she does self respect - he is a gentleman who shudders at the idea of wasting time with a skank who has been around the world; and by that I mean population wise. If he is dating a materialistic, superficial, moral- free girl whose colloquial language is obscene - in his eyes she's just another a fashion accessory; and with all fashion trends its only time until the next one comes along. These type of men go for girls with 'SEX' stamped across their forehead. Why? Because in the duration of time it takes to make a good girl fall for them, they could have slept with ten other whores. It provides some sort of compensation for the absence of that ONE GIRL who, suprisingly, would actually like you for who you are. NOT because of your dick, your presents, your car or your money.

Time. A simple concept, yes? There's seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and so on. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. And like all icebergs 90% of this theory lies buried beneath the surface. Imagine spending this time with someone who made it worth living. Imagine if their absence made your heart grow fonder. These empty hopes have the potential of a becoming tangible reality if we'd only take the time. The time to grow to know someone so much to the point that their yours, and the patience of knowing that there's a reason to why this process isn't called 1-2-3-HAPPILY-EVER-AFTER. It's trials and tribulations, deep conversations and petty arguments.

It's not always rainbows and butterflies its compromise - Maroon5

Unfortunately there's some people out there who have found themselves caught in the crushing tides of a fast moving current that makes the world go round. We'd rather settle for the instant 3 minute girlfriend than wait a while longer for a decent one.

Being in a relationship with someone and NOT realising their worth is like visiting The Seven Wonders of the World with your eyes closed. Unaware of the beauty that lives just for you.

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