(a) tolerate the smell nor taste
(b) keep it on despite eating and drinking
(c) can be bothered to go to the bathroom for the sole purpose of reapplication
(d) manage not to stain all your clothes
(e) have the patience to find a colour that suits you
(f) have the confidence to wear colours that don't (or maybe that's the point? are they meant to stand out that much? I don't know!)
(g) go to put the lid on but actually end up squashing the lipstick itself, absolutely demolishing the contours that were moulded there for easy application (tick)
(h) forgotten which way it twists and wind the lipstick all the way to the top instead of the bottom with the lid still on (tick tick)
... Oh yeah. And respect to the guys who kiss girls who wear lipstick too (see point a).
Great post on lipstick. Thanks and keep sharing!