Wednesday 24 August 2005

It's the simple things in life we forget

I've decided to lay off blogging for a while until assignments have been submitted, oral rpesentations have been delivered and the trials have passed.

I was lying in bed at 1am in the morning, unable to get to sleep and being the weird compulsive thinker that I am, started reflecting about that feeling. You know, that feeling. I couldn't think of a term that quite described that; and the words queezy, umph, and errrgh didn't even come close. In fact, they're not real words at all. Magical yet exquisitely simple is the best my mind can describe it. They're the simple things in life we forget.

I'll write about them later on; but until my next entry, I'll leave you guys to do the contemplating.

that feeling...
* stacking it... hard
* breaking up
* knowing you can never have the guy/girl you secretly want
* getting out of the shower and it's freezing cold
* having rain drench your just blowdried or straightened hair
* regrets
* stuck in an awkwardly boring conversation, but don't have the guts to get going because you feel rude
* people who push in front of you
* coming to terms with how undeniably wrong you are after being so sure of youself
* being lost
* a stain on your white shirt at the beginning of the day
* annoying jingles that get stuck in your head
* not being able to fall asleep
* finding the tissue box empty just when you need one most
* your pen running out in the middle of an exam
* Mondays
* when you've eaten too much
* bad hair days
* being alone in the dark
* finding out someone bitched about you behind your back, but nice to your face
* seeing tragedies unfold on the TV screen and feeling so helpless
* forgetting what you were just about to say
* wishing you were five years old again, a bandaid had the power to fix anything
* knowing that things will NEVER be the same between you and her/him

that feeling...
* a new relationship
* knowing he likes you, and you like him - but are too afraid to admit it
* knowing all the words to a song - accurately
* a new outfit
* a NICE, new haircut
* new shoes
* hearing your favourite song on the radio
* getting off the phone with someone and wishing you could talk forever
* the smile of a stranger
* finding money on the floor
* a DAMN GOOD bra
* fitting into a size 6 when you're usually a size 8, or size 10 when you're usually a 12, etc..
* free stuff... you love it !
* a clearance sale (there's a little bit of cheap-ass in all of us ! )
* a cool breeze on a hot summers day
* a pretty sunset
* that butterfly feeling when you're in the arms of someone special
* compliments
* the sound autumn leaves make when you trod on them
* a good laugh
* using a BIG word in a sentence and sounding smart
* when people ask for YOUR advice
* solving that stupid maths question you've spent an hour trying to solve
* a good book
* when the 'popular person' knows your name (admit it ! )
* acing a test you barely studied for
* when you arrive at the bus stop seconds before it arrives, or arriving at the platform seconds before the train arrives
* looking back at old photos and wondering " WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING ?! "

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