Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Wipe-On Sex Appeal

Growing up, why didn't anyone (i.e. Girlfriend or Dolly) tell us that sometimes, he's just not that into you because of your pheromones?

Pheromones are primarily perceived through olfactory sensors, and studies suggest they are excreted by several areas of the body, including the skin, sweat glands, saliva, and urine… You may even pick your soul mate by subconsciously reacting to pheromones that transmit their genetic compatibility.

To think of all the teenage heartache that could have been prevented, or at least made for a really good excuse when you can't (or won't) explain why things aren't working out.

Someone should create a dating service based on pheromone matching. I'd invent it myself, but #toohardbasket.

Or you could just use Wipe-On Sex Appeal. I'm guessing they've worked out a one-size-fits-most combination of pheromones which appeals to the majority. Either that or they're really good at scamming people with glorified baby wipes until hard regulations arrive. I've seen dispensers of this stuff in public bathrooms. So it must be legit, right? Does anyone have anecdotal evidence of these actually working?

If you think your pheromones are out of order, you can always disguise them with a perfume that works (the placebo might help as well).

One study confirmed that pheromones are commonly used by the perfume industry. Although companies claim to use these compounds as a carrier of the fragrance, the added pheromones are most likely the secretly seductive ingredient. Since perfumes are primarily marketed based upon their ability to appeal to the opposite sex, the pheromone-perfume combination makes perfect “scents”! 
Then again I have barely any sense of smell, which may also account for my past choices in men.

Happy smelling!

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