I've been working on setting up a Spanish bank account for two months now, and counting. Here's to an application that was supposed to take three days, but went nowhere for three weeks. Here's to chasing it up every two days, only to be told to call back in another two days. Here's to a reapplication that took another two. Here's to an application that took so long I'd be out of the country by the time my debit card arrived. Here's to being told I could easily just pick it up when I got to Spain. Here's to being told the guy you need to see is on holidays. Here's to being passed on to a lady who doesn't know what she's doing. Here's to signing another five contracts, and being told to come back the week after, to sign another five. Here's to going back, and the lady being at a meeting, and never calling you back. Here's to asking your Spanish teacher to come with you a third time so she can explain the situation. Here's to having your debit card sent to your address in Australia, instead of your address in Spain. Here's to waiting for your PIN that should have arrived this week. Here's to cash advances on my credit card, and the multiple fees they spring on you - just so I can have some cash in the meantime.
Pretty sure buying a house is easier than this.
Fuck you, Santander. Fuck you.
Your logo makes me want to kill myself
ReplyDeleteOMG WHAT I can't believe this 'spanish bank account' drama is still happening- since our dec dinner date!
ReplyDeleteHave you received the pin now? thank god for available cash!
That, is banking for you Noels.
ReplyDeleteI love how you ended your entry - 'Your logo makes me want to kill myself.' Definitely should put that on a shirt and sell it to people in my course. Super witty.
Hope all is well/I'm sad we won't be bumping into each other anytime soon! I see we are now following one another on the tumblr :)
- Ails