It's in this very spirit that we make new years resolutions for ourselves. And for just a few minutes we genuinely set ourselves a regimen of exercise, healthy eating and weight loss; of finding partners and friends who are better for us; of finding a better job or becoming a better person.
What I can assure you though, is that tomorrow on the news someone somewhere will have killed anther person, someone will be robbed and a someone else will be run over.
Similarly, tomorrow you will not exercise, you will not eat healthy and you will probably gossip about someone. You probably won't look online or in the newspaper for a new job, you will do absolutely nothing and hope that it finds you.
But whether it's a new year, a new month, a new week or even a new day - God gives us hundreds opportunities to "start fresh," we just have to see them that way.
I think what determines a good year is how you, personally, deal with the inevitable troubles that come with being human - rather than somehow surpassing it all. I think that's one of the reasons why God puts us through shit, because we're too lazy to challenge ourselves.
So for what it's worth, my dear readers, happy new year. But more importantly, I hope you all find the strength within yourselves EVERYDAY to keep going when life is hard; to one day look back at it all and be thankful for the personal growth you gained because of it.
Love, Noeline
happy new year noeline :)