Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Reality Check

I have less than two months left in splendid Spain. Until then, here's my countdown of things to do:
- a 5,000 word research project which involves surveys and interviews with Spaniards, as well as another 2,500 word essay for my uni in Sydney
- three exams for my uni in Spain, whilst keeping up with the homework for each class
- send a box of all the things I've amassed over the past year that won't fit in my suitcase (by things, I mean clothes and shoes)
- if nowhere else, visit friends in Salamanca and La Carolina in Spain, and Casablanca and Marrakesh in Morroco

I have a year left of university waiting for me when I get back to Sydney. I feel like I'm the only one STILL studying. Everyone else is graduating or has graduated, working graduate positions. They're getting engaged and married and having babies.

I feel like there's something wrong with me for not wanting to settle down. I'll be 23 by the time I graduate. And even then I want a few solid years of that thing I've been working for since I was 5. I think they call it a career. I want to commit to it fully, sans husband and children.

If I do that for at least 5 years, I'll be 28 by the time I even consider walking down the aisle. Assuming I even have a steady boyfriend at the time.

So instead of channelling my inner Bridezilla or changing nappies, my to-do list looks more like this:
- get a smart phone and have my first mobile contract
- find a new job, probably two
- take the L's test (again)
- get my P's
- buy a car
- get a motorbike license
- buy a motorbike
- buy a house, rent it out
- visit my family in The Philippines, probably get attacked by mosquitoes
- have a white Christmas
- spend a year or two living in a foreign country (again)
- travel more, everywhere
- improve my Spanish, learn French and Arabic
- decorate my house with my own art
- read more books
- write more
- date someone who challenges and pushes me, makes me laugh and understands me, someone I can trust completely
- fall in love with the above person, marry them, have babies with them, adopt a child with him, get a French bulldog and call it Hombre
- write a column or book (or both)
- learn an instrument, piano maybe?
- reach self-actualisation (Maslow, anyone?)
- re-learn how to use a sewing machine, and make shit!

That should keep me busy for a while. What does your list look like?

Love, Noeline