Wednesday 17 March 2010

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. / Find out what it means to me

Fair enough. When you're 12 or 13 it's cool to hate your family. To think they're only there to make your life a living hell. That way, without knowing it, we became the perfect target market for bands like Simple Plan, Linkin Park and Blink 182.

But now we're in our 20's. And I find it sad when people my age are still bragging about the massive fight they just had with their mother, taking care not to leave out any of the swear words hurled at her. Bragging about how they haven't been home in weeks because they'd rather go out partying with their friends.

I'm talking about the ones who are proud about being disrespectful for no apparent reason.

To me, how a man treats his immediate family now is a reflection of how he'd treat me and our family if we ever ended up married.

Love, Noeline


  1. To me, how a man treats his immediate family now is a reflection of how he'd treat me and our family if we ever ended up married.

    - u GO GIRL (:

  2. Quoting Silverchair on my thoughts to this ... "It's just a fad, part of the teenage angst brigade"


  3. Totally know what you mean! I guess those people just haven't quite grown up yet?
    loving your blog miss :)
    great photos and I really enjoy reading your posts
    stop by some time xx
