Friday 2 October 2009

Beautiful Disaster

When I was in primary school they called me ‘goody two shoes’ and ‘teacher’s pet’. And by ‘they’ I mean the ones who knew I even existed; for you see I was that abnormally quiet girl.

But today she’s got a confession. Beneath the surface I had a soft spot for the bad boys: the ones whose names were always on the board for talking in class. The ones who dared enter the playground without a hat with their shirt hanging out.

Come high school, they suddenly lost all appeal. I guess it’s because getting kicked out of school, smoking, binge drinking, violence, drug dealing and addictions are gradations too high on the social deviancy scale for me to handle.

So why do smart, well-grounded people with a functioning moral compass fall for trouble?

I had a friend confess that they like being with someone whose life is more dramatic than their own. The relationship becomes a mission to ‘save’ the other, which in turn brings them self-worth.

This is all fine and dandy in movie scripts – but since when did modern dating become a form of martyrdom? Call me old fashioned, but when did we stop admiring people for their integrity?

When you find out, write me a comment or something will ya?

Love, Noeline

1 comment:

  1. woah

    either you're
    a) persuasive - very
    b) somehow always on the same wavelength as me
    c) just plain awesome

    i always find myself agreeing with you!!! haha
