Thursday 16 April 2009

Welcome to my new home!

You've probably heard that we're currently in a global financial crisis. But if time is money, then I'm low on that too.

I'm not sure if you guys noticed, but I so got tired of waiting for my old blogdrive to load that I decided to make a new one with blogger. So far, its proved faster and easier to use.

I've also decided to mix the usual content with shorter snaps of whatever might be on my mind at the time.

So stay tuned, and remember the drill. Comment! I'm only one person. I can't think of everyone's thoughts. Kindly share your views with me and everyone else who reads this blog.

Love, Noeline.


  1. 3:25am! nice ling!

  2. yay happy that you moved to blogger.
    i had the same problem with blogdrive =|

    and welcome back to the blogging world =)
