Wednesday 28 November 2007

One man’s fantasy is another man’s nightmare.

As much as we shouldn't, we all know the gist. Boy meets Girl. Girl breaks up with boy. Girl finds Man. Boy hates Man.

Key word: BOY noun

1. a male CHILD, especially one LESS than 18 years of age
2. a young man who lacks MATURITY and JUDGEMENT

BOYS are too immature to accept the fact that she's moved on. BOYS are too stubborn to accept that she's happier with someone else. BOYS are selfish enough to interfere with her new relationship. BOYS are barbaric enough to think that forging violence against her new Man will win Girl back.

According to American Scientist Online – The Lions Mane, male lions will 'jealously guard her and prevent her from mating with his companions'. They even go so far as to kill the offspring of another male – accounting for 25% of all cub deaths. Before you start getting any ideas, let me remind you that we're human. So save your violence for your reincarnation.

If you'd rather her be unhappy and with you, than happy with someone else – was it ever really love in the first place? Even if you succeeded in scaring off her new Man, how could you admit to yourself that she's only with you because you made her? Wouldn't your relationship be more reassuring knowing that she returned to you on her own accord? You wouldn't want someone reigning in on your parade; so in the spirit of Australian mateship, give the other guy a fair go.

And I know it's easier said than done. I've discovered that when you love someone, it's hard to imagine that anyone, even her boyfriend, can love her more than you already do. Remember that it's hard on her part too. No sane person relishes being fought over. She has to live with the guilt that she couldn't please everyone.

And it's in such spirits that I hereby propose a fifth Geneva Convention (noun. a series of international agreements... establishing rules for the humane treatment of prisoners of war and of the sick, the wounded, and the dead in battle). That no physical violence be forged between parties on the grounds of fighting over a girl. It might take two to tango, but it takes three to rumble. Prior to such altercations, both males must have been given a reason to fight, and the incentive of reaping a reward ie. the Girl, who must have led both on.

Sometimes, I think the world would be a better place if there were no such thing as love. But then I think to myself that used the right way, the happiness it brings makes life just that little bit more worth living – and when lost, worth searching for again.

As children we're taught that one girl falls in love with one boy once in their lifetime. Drawing from both personal and indirect experiences, I've learnt that life's not like that, at least not anymore.

Love is a tangled network more messed up than our country's current rail system. People don't just fall in love once anymore, they fall in and out of it, sometimes with the same person, sometimes with more. Like peak hour trains, sometimes they love too late, eventually arriving only to find the other person at someone else's platform. And as much as you want her, you keep from derailing for the sake of your passengers – the friends and family you hurt and drag with you.

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